Putting from a greenside bunker

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By Anne F

  • 15 Replies
  1. My Scotty Cameron Select MOTO putter came through big! Desert Princess, Palm Springs, Lagos #5, left greenside bunker: I used my SC putter and my ProV1 ball and sunk the bunker shot for birdie! Playing partners were amazed, impressed, astounded, flabbergasted!

  2. Well done! I always joke I should putt out of a bunker as might be better for me! Would love to of seen that !
  3. Thanks!
    First taught to me by coach Mac 'Macker' MacLeod. We have a par 3 bunker where a poor /skulled sand-shot can end up across the green into a large pond.
    Using a putter from a greenside bunker even with a lip on the bunker can pop the ball up, it lands softly on the green and no tears are shed!
  4. Thanks, yup if the bunker lip isn't too pronounced the ball can roll up the lip and may land softly on the green, like an Olympic ski jump.
  5. Gabe B

    Gabe B
    Eau Claire, Michigan


    congrats on the outstanding shot, you know the saying you dont draw pictures on the scorecard. I know many players that would benefit for the creativity of a shot like that one you just played.
  6. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    You're part of that elite club that my wife belongs to. She uses that dang putter from the bunkers, the rough, 30 yards from the green, you name it. We have a local muni coarse where the bunker consistency is on par with an airport runway, and she and her Tuesday night league cohorts started using their putters to get out of and it actually works quite well. Yes there is a slight bit of alcohol involved in that decision.
  7. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Good call to use the putter out of the bunker. I would throw in that anyone looking at duplicating the stroke should try it on a practice bunker first. There are situations/conditions where that play would not be favorable.

    Personally, I have never tried but I've seen it done multiple times and it works.
  8. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Putters and sometimes hybrids are being used from bunkers, all depending on the texture of the sand as well as the lie, with success. Congratulations. Managed you situation very well and it paid off.
  9. Thanks! Definitely more difficult if fluffy, deep sand.
  10. Snowpealover

    Northern CA

    Sandy birdie!!! plus bonus applause for ingenuity!
  11. Thanks, yup if the bunker lip isn't too pronounced the ball can roll up the lip and may land softly on the green, like an Olympic ski jump.
  12. Thank you Snoopy and Woodstock!
  13. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Congratulations Anne.Bunker hole outs, regardless of what club is chosen are always a little bit of a pleasant surprise.

    The putter is a great choice as long as the lip isn't an issue.
  14. Thanks, yup if the bunker lip isn't too pronounced the ball can roll up the lip and may land softly on the green, like an Olympic ski jump.
  15. Jim S

    Jim S
    Fort Myers Florida

    First rule of short game for many people should be "use whatever club gets you closest to the hole consistently".

    I've used putter from off the green for years. Used to be a good wedge player, but for me putter works the best. So if a putter out of the bunker gets you on the green and putting more often that's the club. Biggest issue will be, as mentioned, sand and the lip. At the course my dad retired to in Palm Springs, there was no lip on the green side bunkers. My wife easily putted out of those bunkers. Utlimately, they re-did the bunkers and added enough lip that putting was no longer an option.

    I watch people pitch from the color with a 60 degree wedge. So use what works for you with no worries. As we say, "no room for comments on the scorecard". If putting works don't give it another thought.
  16. There’s never one way to play any shot and it’s awesome when your creative shot idea pays off


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