New Knee

Follow Thread

By Mike M

  • 4 Replies
  1. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Hello all. Got a new knee yesterday (Nov5).The other knee will be replaced next year. Pain is manageable with meds, and mobility is pretty good,24 hours post-op.

    An important side note; I birdied the last hole I played on Sunday. Nice way to finish 2024, and carry me through rehab and the long New England winter.

    Take care all.

  2. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    Had my right knee done April 2023. Post-op PT is tough, but worth it. Swelling took about 12 months to fully drain. Be patient. I walk around now like I never had a knee problem. Good luck going forward.
  3. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Great time to schedule this type of surgery when golf season is winding down. Follow your rehab instructions and you'll be ready to go when the golf season starts up. Good luck.
  4. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Good luck with you rehab and thru exercises/PT you will be back in a short time. My wife has a replacement in the right knee which was very successful and expects to have the left replaced in April. Golf is not something on her bucketlist. A couple of golfing buddies did both at same time. Said it was not too bad. Good time of year to have it done. Wishing you a successful recovery.
  5. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Wishing you a speedy recovery and a many more rounds of golf.

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