Scotty Cameron Newport 2 Select- Gone

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By Michael JC

  • 15 Replies
  1. Michael JC

    Michael JC
    Orwell, VT

    We all know Scotty Cameron putters are awesome. Quality, appearance, performance. However, there is a drawback to owning one. Other people want them. The other day, I went to get my clubs out of my truck. My Scotty was missing. Searched high & low for the putter. Searched my house, truck, called golf course where I last played.

    Called the guy I was riding with in the tournament I last played with. Maybe I inadvertently put putter in his bag. Negative.

    I have my clubs in my truck most of the time. I always lock my truck at golf course. Carry my putter with me at course. Have gone as far as using a "decoy" head cover. I have no idea where or when it was taken. It is a pretty crappy feeling knowing someone stole my putter. I have back up putters, but the are not Scotty Cameron putters.

    I customized the head cover that came with it, adding some color to it. The grip is a Super Stroke with my initials on it. Maybe someday I might just happen to come across the putter. Could be an interesting meeting. Having quality clubs should not be an invitation to steal them.

  2. BHershman

    Palm Beaches

    Yeah, that’s terrible. Hope you get it back somehow.
  3. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    That is terrible! Sad that fellow golfers, people who had a reputation as the most honest sport, can no longer be trusted. Gives us all a black eye. Suggest you check with your homeowners policy as some policies cover personal items against theft even if not in the house. Hopefully one of your back ups steps up and performs nicely.
  4. Michael JC

    Michael JC
    Orwell, VT

    will check my homeowners policy. I really do not know how long ago I purchased it, or if I even have some sort of receipt. Thanks Dale.
  5. Michael JC

    Michael JC
    Orwell, VT

    I have played 1 round my "back up" putter. Missed way too many short putts with the P**G.
    Shopping around for a replacement.
  6. Alex N

    Alex N

    That’s a major bummer. I hope it turns up for you. If you have the serial number that is on the putter you can make a theft report and that serial number can be entered into a database so it will get flagged if it was stolen. Then if someone tries to pawn it or if an officer ever comes across it and runs the SN it will show stolen.
  7. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Probably one of the most important clubs in my putter. I sure hope you find it. I never use my OEM putter cover for my Scottys, so you did what you could and someone else had their heart set at stealing a Scotty.
  8. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Bad experience. Sorry for your loss and hope something positive comes out of this. I have a retractable cargo security cover in the back of my SUV so that no one can see what I carry in the back. A little extra protection goes a long way. Best of luck in your recovery efforts.
  9. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Chuck Z said:

    Bad experience. Sorry for your loss and hope something positive comes out of this. I have a retractable cargo security cover in the back of my SUV so that no one can see what I carry in the back. A little extra protection goes a long way. Best of luck in your recovery efforts.

    Normally not a violent person, usually better with words, but in this case, would almost want to introduce the culprit to my two best friends Misters Smith and Wesson. The introduction would at least get his attention and it would not happen again, at least to me. =( Unfortunately things like this do happen all the time. Was working an event at a private club yesterday near Beaufort and talking with some of the sales reps and they were talking about over the years, people stealing clubs off carts and then driving down the road to golf shops until they would fin one that would purchase the clubs. Not everyone in this world can be trusted. When I finish #18, I go straight to my car and lock my clubs. Creature of habit.
  10. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Small chance, but occasionally someone will post the hot item on Craig’s List, Facebook market, or eBay. If you have the serial number the police can use that to identify it as yours.
    Recent story, there was a bag of an LPGA taken and put almost immediately on line with the logos exposed. …Almost as immediately back in her possession.
  11. JGutierrez

    New City, NY

    sorry to hear about you putter. Hopefully it will turn up.
  12. I had my car stolen years ago with my clubs in the trunk. It was a pain getting a new car but the sense of violation I felt losing my clubs was the worst. I lost a set of DCI 962 and my first Scotty - a Newport with the trillium insert back in 2001. Still wish I had that putter 22 years later.
  13. Brian D

    Brian D
    Corunna, MI

    Man... that is frustrating! So sorry to hear this. Sure hope you're able to find your Scotty and soon. One of my biggest fears right there. Not just for the Scotty in the bag, but any one/all of my clubs!
  14. Very discouraging for sure. Different product but same concept. One time I forgot my Laser in the back of the cart, and called the course the same day and the next day, and no one returned it. If I find someone's equipment, I always call the Clubhouse to let them know what I found, so if someone lost it, they can find out someone found their lost equipment.
  15. PROV1MN


    That's awful, im sorry to hear that man.

    It's always in the back of my mind when I leave my bag unattended while playing in a tournament. I usually carry my putter around with me, other clubs can be easily replaced. There's nothing like the feel of your putter you've grown accustomed to and the touch you have developed with it.
  16. Cris M

    Cris M
    Tyrone, GA

    Have you found a replacement? I just switched from a Select Newport 2 to a Phantom X 5.5. Not sure if I will hold on to the Newport or not.

    My first Scotty was a '98 Teryllium Newport. After my round, I left my bag outside the pro shop to run into the locker room. When I came back out, I didn't even notice that it was missing. The pro had actually grabbed it; told me to never leave it out of my sight. Wish I still had that putter.

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