Lie Angle

Follow Thread

By Teedz

  • 8 Replies
  1. Teedz

    Fresno, CA

    I've noticed with my putter that the toe of it is angled up (too upright) on my putt stroke. Is it an easy fix, or a good idea to get the lie angle adjusted? I believe it is like a degree or two, nothing crazy. It's just not square flat on the ground.

  2. Sean M

    Sean M
    Liberty, MO

    Have you been fitted for you putter? If not have a qualified fitter look at your setup and make sure that the length of the putter is right for you along with the loft/lie. Would also be a good opportunity to make sure the style of putter is correct for your stroke (blade or mallet). Let a professional fit you and or make any adjustments necessary for your equipment. Good luck
  3. Jason R

    Jason R
    Ottawa, ON

    So I was lucky enough to be able to travel down to the Scotty Cameron Gallery a few years ago and was able to coordinate a fitting at the Gallery. What an amazing experience. Like most fittings, we started with my current putter and the high speed cameras the use for the analysis showed that the ball was "launching" into the air (minor to the naked eye, but obvious on the high speed). When the ball landed it would take a minor hop left or right and then trundle on. The fitter then measured my putter and found it was out of spec in both loft and lie by a couple of degrees. Who knew leaning on your putter on the greens was a no-no?????

    We retested my current putter and I could not believe the difference in accuracy. Instead of the random left or right hop, the line matched my face angle and stroke exactly. I still left the Gallery with a new putter (whole other discussion there) but I really did not need to as my existing gamer was bang on again.

    I learned so much from the whole experience and if you ever get the chance - get down to the Gallery - I could not recommend it strongly enough. Bottom line, go get your putter measured by a reliable fitter and re-adjusted if required. You may be as surprised as I was.
  4. Try putting with the grip running down the life line of your palms.
  5. So many ways to grip putters

    Get fitted for a putter then stick with it and notice the results
  6. Jason S

    Jason S
    Wausau, WI

    Check your eye position. If it is too far inside the ball it is a shaft length problem not a lie problem
  7. Brian D

    Brian D
    Corunna, MI

    Start with something as simple as checking your posture. You may find yourself bending over a little more than normal (if this is a new phenomena) - which will result in your hands lower and the toe of the putter up a little. That is a simple at home check you can do, also check to see if you're standing too far from the ball in your set up. Can cause a similar symptom as well (leaning over, low hands, toe up). If that doesn't seem to help, then - as is always the case, go see a professional to get a putter fitting.
  8. Adjust the lie angle, otherwise you will be playing with too many other factors such as grip, stance, etc…

    IMHO, Chris
  9. You may also find if it doesn't sit correctly you are actually losing MOI when you make a putt

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