Junior Players Scotty Cameron

Follow Thread

By Dr. Kovatchian

  • 1 Reply
  1. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    Wondering if there is a putter length matrix that Cameron uses for putters made for junior players? Younger players may not fit into the 33-34-35" length zones.

    Can a putter be ordered at 30" and have it not have to go to the custom shop?

    Cheers, Dr. K

  2. Dr. K...great seeing you recently in California!

    I assume this is for your son, thus you can order putters plus or minus one inch from standard lengths from Titleist. You can also specify lie and loft angle. Currently The length range that can be ordered is 32"-36" basically without going through the custom shop.

    Hope to see you again soon!

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