
Follow Thread

By BPaik

  • 5 Replies
  1. how do i get different weights for my putter and rthe tool

  2. Bomber3

    Lake St Louis, MO

    You can order the weight kit and tool from the Scotty Cameron website. Check out the link below. They are not inexpensive, but it's the only way to get authentic Scotty weights & the tool.

  3. Either through the Cameron store or ebay
  4. I agree with Barry...order them ONLY via the SC Website. If you go through Ebay or another non-scotty cameron website you might get a fake or low quality look alike. Just my two cents.
  5. Chris M

    Chris M

    you can find it in the internet or directly from Scotty Cameron
  6. Corey T

    Corey T
    Tyrone, GA

    If you ever send your putter back for customization you must have authentic weights (not those bought from eBay or a non Titleist source).

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