Red Dot needs replaced on putter

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By THearn

  • 4 Replies
  1. THearn


    I have a Scotty Cameron Monterey Putter- one of the red dots on the club head fell off. How do you recommend I replace it- is there a certain color or paint to use to replace it? Any ideas would be appreciated. thx

  2. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    You could always send it back to Scotty to have it done through the custom shop. However, you an also do it yourself with an oil based model paint. I custom fill all of my irons and have fund that Testors brand is the best and last the longest, by far! They also have translucent colors to maintain the "Scotty" look if desired. It's a very easy process and doesn't take long at all.

  3. Aloha Bruce

    Aloha Bruce
    Sunnyvale, CA

    I would just buy a bottle of Testors red paint and do it yourself as it's really easy.
  4. I agree with will be a lot easier to just repaint one dot. However, you could send the putter back to Scotty Cameron Custom Shop and have the entire paint job redone with new colors! Have some fun with it! While it is there maybe get a new sightline or your name added to the putter....

  5. Check out Duy Tang golf on you tube, excellent video for you and you be surprised what else you could do!

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