Wedge Gaps

Follow Thread

By Mark V

  • 2 Replies
  1. Mark V

    Mark V
    Pueblo, CO

    Hello TT members, I am working a Select Newport 2 33" heavy into play as I currently swing a 2012 Select Newport 2 33.5". I added more tape on my last grip change and it it very comfortable. Without removing a brand new factory installed grip, any suggestions on increasing the grip weight on the new Scotty. I have looked ar a few options but want to hear from the TT community.

  2. Spudstarch

    Walnut Creek, CA

    Have you tried jamming a nail into the butt of the grip down into the shaft?

    Just an idea, but I would imagine it would have a similar affect as long as it doeasnt jiggle around.

  3. Chris M

    Chris M

    maybe a Super Stroke grip would help.
    They have special grips where you can add some weight

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