weight swapping

Follow Thread

By Spudstarch

  • 2 Replies
  1. Spudstarch

    Walnut Creek, CA

    I'm thinking about getting another Scotty to put in my bag. I like the look of the older 2010 line that has "Titlesist" engraved in the cavity. But I prefer the cherry dot weights in the newer heads. Can a rep confirm if these are interchangeable so I can have my own customized putter?

    (Please don't try it at home if you don't know. I would hate for you to accidentally strip the threading in you collectibles.)

  2. Ryan Crysler

    Ryan Crysler
    West Palm Beach, FL

    You'll be able to switch the weights if you have the correct tool! 


  3. Switching weights is universal among most of the putters, in the old Fastback and Squareback they had different weights.

    Good Luck!

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