Golf Grip

Follow Thread

By Preston

  • 1 Like
  • 6 Replies
  1. I recently went on a Trackman to figure out what was causing my pull draw/hook and found that despite my club path being positive, my face to path is extremely negative (example: my swing path could be +2.3 and my face path is -5.5). This made me think about my grip. I learned to hold the club in my fingers but searched and found a lot of videos that have said to grip the club in the fingers AND the palm. Could this be the reason why my face control has been poor?

  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Personally, I would go see you PGA pro, if grip is a concern. Everything begins with a good grip. =)
  3. It could do, you may find that you have a really strong grip which could be causing the issue. I had that issue a few years ago, my right hand was almost under the grip and my left hand was ontop of it showing 3 knuckles. It felt comfortable but gave me a horrible hook. Have a look on YouTube for grip tutorials
  4. MRoseski

    Palm Harbor, FL

    Read Ben Hogans 5 lessons. His first lesson is the grip. The grip is the foundation of a consistent swing.
  5. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    My fellow TT member from Palm Harbor is spot on; buy Hogan's book! It's a bible, chapter and verse, regarding the components of the golf swing, and how they all come together in unison and symmetry to form the golf swing, proving in this case.... the whole is indeed equal to the sum of its parts.
  6. Thanks everyone for the help! Will be checking out the Hogan book. I did try to hold the grip more in the palm than just the fingers and I ended up hitting a lot of push fades with the face angle being more to the right so I definitely need to figure this out.
  7. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Preston, please go see a Pro today. You really can resolve this issue by seeing one and stop trying to doing it on your own. I say this with respect and from experience. At 75 I still see a pro when things go south. They can see things and set that foundation of a good grip and getting you hitting that ball down the middle. =)

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