What ever happened to the EPX 01

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By Dave H

  • 1 Reply
  1. Dave H

    Dave H
    Castlegar, BC

    Can everyone tell me what ever happened to the EXP 01 golf ball , let was said that they might have become the AVX .I pulled a sleeve off my ball shelf the other day and played three rounds with them and they did not play like a AVX just asking .i Know I could sure use more of the EXP 01 thanks

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    It was a test/prototype. Some features may have been incorporated into one of the current balls. Normally prototypes have a more limited release and we never hear much about them. I thought it was a wider test of a Tour Speed test ball, since discontinued. That ball was Titleist’s first foray into a cast urethane process.

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