May 23, 2010 At 10:03 PM By George M
George M
Are they same quality as the regular balls?
Team TitleistFairhaven, MA
Practice balls are for practice only. You should never use them during play.
John Lcola, SC
Kris MSun City, CA
Acording to the places i see selling them they are factor blemish balls that cant be sold as normal balls. I was curious about this to i saw a box of prov1 practice balls and thought they would be good for practice rounds and balls for when u want the performence of the prov1 but dont want to lose them trying to go for it over water.
Matthew SMississauga, ON
Practice Balls usually mean that there is a paint blemish or the color of the ball is slightly off, X-OUTS means the ball is either out of round or the core is off center or something along these lines. Practice balls are fine to play with but generally do not conform to the USGA rules because balls with the word "Practice" do not appear on the conforming list.
Mike D., Titleist StaffAshland, MA
November 22, 2010 At 07:02 AM
James SNew London, NC
How about NXT Tour practice balls. I was doing a fitting the other day and my member was hitting our NXT Tour practice balls with an average ball speed of 144. We switched to a ProV1x and all of a sudden his ball speed jumped up to 149 average. What would cause that? Is it the quality of the ball, or just the fact that a ProV1x fits him better?
Geoffrey BCelina, OH
Thanks for the all the useful info Mike.
Alan BNewark, 0
Please, can you confirm this is the same for the England?
Alan Bannister
Hi Alan,
I'll be more than happy to help. Can you clarify which part of the prior response you are seeking clarification on?
I was asking in regard to being able to use the practice balls in my club completions. I have since been on the R & A rules site and it has the same rule as you have in the USA.
Thanks for your reply though.
Kind regards,
Sounds good. Let me know if you have any other questions and have a great weekend!
Greg FWilmington, NC
TDialWeldon Spring, MO
Dale VSurprise AZ
June 01, 2023 At 01:54 PM
Is “Reload” lineup different than “Practice” lineup? Online it sounded like reload could have more damanging issues like deep cuts, scrapes, etc. where as practice is more simple like paint, logo issues? Any clarification between Reload vs Practice?
boris Ddeventer, LA
ut where can you buy tees?
HotsauceGeorgetown MA
Good info Mike
tdogg21Chambersburg, PA
I've seen practice balls when I was shopping and always wondered if they would be OK to play with. Good to know straight from Titleist the only problem would be a paint blemish.
Matthew PSpring, TX
great question.. thanks
Troy FKing of Prussia, PA
Thanks Mike for the answer. I was looking for this answer via Google University and the search brought me here. Should've known just checked here first :)
Robert DOswego, NY
I was under the impression that balls with practice on them can be from tournaments where the balls used on the range have practice on them used by the Pros
Peter B
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