Why Wedge Fitting Is Important

Custom fit wedges lead to more confidence and lower scores. So if you haven’t been fitted for your wedges, you aren’t playing your best golf. 

We took five Team Titleist members to Royal Norwich Golf Club for an in-depth Vokey SM9 fitting session. Our expert wedge fitting team began the experience on the range, using Trackman to measure our Team Titleist members’ current 9 iron or pitching wedge so they could get the gapping between the new wedges just right. 

They then moved to the short game area where they tested a number of different bounce and grind options before heading out onto the course to verify the choices and make sure the wedges worked in live conditions. 

All of our lucky five participants left with the wedge set-up they had been fitted for as well as a Team Titleist goodie bag and the knowledge they now had the best wedges for their game. 

We received the following feedback from one participant:

"Ever since I have had my new SM9 wedges I have been on a roll. My confidence is high and I have been playing very well.

I had my first ever eagle at my home course. It was on the Par 4 second hole (323 yds). Great drive off the tee but blocked out by a line of pine trees. I opted to go straight over them with my 52 wedge. Joy, elation, lap of honour followed, I have never felt so good on a golf course. I won my Society golf competition in June and came 3rd in July and now sit 2nd in the league of 34 players. Last week I hit my best score around my home course and just generally played very well."

Have you been fit for your wedges?

Find a fitting here

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